ACE visual programming language
started 12/6/2002; 5:08:39 PM - last post 12/9/2002; 8:37:19 AM
Isaac Gouy - ACE visual programming language 
12/6/2002; 5:08:39 PM (reads: 605, responses: 5)
Sun Labs Ace Project
The Ace Project at Sun Labs is developing a new Java-based language, compiler, and virtual machine that seeks to accomplish for enterprise business applications what Java accomplished for ordinary computer programs: the economy and simplicity of never again having to rewrite an application to run on a different architecture.

Adewale Oshineye - Re: ACE visual programming language 
12/7/2002; 2:13:45 AM (reads: 604, responses: 0)
See also: for a discussion from last June about ACE.
I wonder how this relates to the OMG's Model Driven Architecture initiative?
Unless they have some very impressive round-trip engineering features they seem likely to end up in a morass of diagrams that are never quite precise enough resulting in generated code that doesn't quite do what you want leading to people hand-tweaking the generated code till the diagrams are obsolete.
If you've ever tried to build complex workflows using some of the current generation of Enterprise Application Integration tools then you'll have seen the abstracton/complexity problems with using flowcharts.

Isaac Gouy - Re: ACE visual programming language 
12/7/2002; 9:22:05 AM (reads: 589, responses: 0)
See also:
Hmmm. Either I don't understand what the search fields are supposed to do, or they don't work. Searching for ace didn't pick-up that previous discussion.

Isaac Gouy - Re: ACE visual programming language 
12/7/2002; 9:49:21 AM (reads: 580, responses: 0)
leading to people hand-tweaking the generated code till the diagrams are obsolete
They do seem to claim that Ace avoids this problem:
Unlike using "wizards" from IDE coding tools, where the programmer is expected to modify and maintain the generated code, users of Ace never need to edit the generated Java code. Instead, they just edit the original application specification.

Isaac Gouy - Re: ACE visual programming language 
12/9/2002; 8:32:34 AM (reads: 544, responses: 1)
"Via Google" is now finding the Ace articles.
(Although it initially seems to show the same hit many times and then gives something more sensible)
Search still doesn't find anything for ACE or Ace?

Ehud Lamm - Re: ACE visual programming language 
12/9/2002; 8:37:19 AM (reads: 579, responses: 0)
That's why we have to search boxes. Both searches are imperfect. The Google search box usually gives better results.
