This is not really a language issue
Why not? Programming languages are symbolic notations for computation. "Two dimensional" diagrams are also just symbolic notations for computations.
are people simply re-inventing lisp macros...?
I would answer yes, in the sense that the developers of these tools have provided a "higher level notation" for simplifying what would be more complex notations.
Maybe the clean separation between the input and output of the code transformer is what makes it palatable to them, in which case it's really just a kind of compiler. Nothing wrong with that, of course.
I think this is exactly the point of MDA... simplifying the notations required to implement common architectures, and to be able to re-target high-level specifications to multiple target architectures.
We need to be able to get more non-CS developers creating maintainable systems. Even Scheme and Haskell are too low level for this audience. These current MDA notations need a lot of improvement, but they are a step in the right direction.
This is terribly off-topic but, in Mozilla, because the figures in the article are so wide, the paragraph width is concomittantly increased to such a figure as to make the text virtually unreadable.
I had no problems with Mozilla 1.2.1.
