Thanks for the pointer. When I read your comment ("It definitely will not convince anyone here of anything") I thought "hmmm - I don't think Java is the world's greatest language" and suspected I might prove you wrong and agree with it.
BUT. Bleagh! This is the first time I've heard anyone claim that Java is fast(*)! OK, criticise excessive hype, but don't rewrite history...
Later Java seems to be attacked because poor programmers can write bad code in it - as if Java is supposed to teach you to code. He seems to be confusing designing a language that supports "modern" programming practices with one that somehow guarantees (1) that those practices will be followed and (2) that doing so will produce good code.
Then he claims adding GC to C/C++ is "fairly trivial". If he can dash of a good GC implementation for C/C++ in his sleep then he should stop writing articles and start making money.
On a slightly different level - if this is the kind of journalism that Salon accepts (Salon's pretty famous, isn't it?) then surely it should be easy to get something a bit better informed published. Or is it more that you have to write stuff like this ("controversial" and simple is more important than sensible or clear?) to get published?
PS There's another article (more technical) that takes a critical look at Java here.
(*)The examples he gives of a Sun executive claiming it's fast prove my point - Sun was trying to react to the massive amount of criticism that Java has always had for its (lack of) speed.
PPS Your name is familiar - have you posted at Forum 5 in the past? If so - hi!