Language Features for Executable Patterns
started 2/14/2003; 2:32:49 PM - last post 2/19/2003; 6:11:33 AM
Ehud Lamm - Language Features for Executable Patterns 
2/14/2003; 2:32:49 PM (reads: 1145, responses: 1)
GordonWeakliem - Re: Language Features for Executable Patterns 
2/19/2003; 6:11:33 AM (reads: 339, responses: 0)
As a Lisp/Scheme newbie, this is still a bit over my head, but I've
noticed that the thought process espoused by the Lisp/Scheme books is very much from the XP school of thought - test driven development, rapid prototyping, constant refactoring. In static languages, there seems to be a tendency to chase the current fad - AOP, patterns, OO, etc. It's quite a revelation to see how all that has existed in functional languages for years - in fact, many of these fads appear to have come from the members of the functional language community.
