Brian Kernighan. An AWK to C++ Translator. Usenix C++ 1991
So you built a DSL, but now you want to extend programs written in your DSL by combining them with code in some standard langauge.
Sounds like a plausible scenario?
Well, Brian had a go at translating AWK into C++. It wasn't an easy task. Read the paper for the details.
The paper makes for interesting reading. It was written when C++ was a young language. The paper even concludes with remarks about the numbers of bugs in cfront Brian encountered
The benchmark information at the end of paper is also interesting. It seems that in many cases translation into C++ didn't improve running times that much.
And oh, AWK libraries are one of my known favorites. I implemented them in several languages, and I always underesitamte the effort this requires ( Olin has a nice Scsh version so why build others, you ask. Well, call me a fanatic.)
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 3/17/03; 6:18:29 AM