CSP book online in PDF
started 4/7/2003; 5:13:16 AM - last post 4/7/2003; 11:37:39 AM
Luke Gorrie - CSP book online in PDF 
4/7/2003; 5:13:16 AM (reads: 2105, responses: 4)
CSP book online in PDF |
Tony Hoare's classic book Communicating Sequential Processes is now freely available for download in PDF. The book was first published in 1985, and has been converted into a very nice PDF by Jim Davies.
The book describes a way of building concurrent systems by combining sequential processes that run in parallel, and a formal framework for thinking about them. The influence of CSP can clearly be seen in languages like Erlang and Concurrent ML.
Posted to Misc-Books by Luke Gorrie on 4/7/03; 5:54:15 AM

Patrick Logan - Re: CSP book online in PDF 
4/7/2003; 8:41:23 AM (reads: 1292, responses: 0)
Shouldn't this be required reading as part of an undergraduate computer science degree? Why not? This vocabulary should be on the tips of our tongues, like the periodic table.

Luke Gorrie - Re: CSP book online in PDF 
4/7/2003; 9:34:58 AM (reads: 1282, responses: 0)
Perhaps one reason is that it was dastardly hard (or at least expensive) to get your hands on a copy up until now :-)
I hope this PDF'ification of a classic signals a trend..

Geoffrey S. Knauth - Re: CSP book online in PDF 
4/7/2003; 11:11:53 AM (reads: 1277, responses: 0)
To encourage this trend, if I wanted to download the PDF and then send a contribution to the author and/or PDF'er, where would I send it?

Ehud Lamm - Re: CSP book online in PDF 
4/7/2003; 11:37:39 AM (reads: 1257, responses: 0)
Ada's tasking model was based on CSP. This means that my students are at least aware of some of the basic notions. We also provide a more advanced course on concurrency models (for MSc students) that uses chapters from Hoare's seminal work.
