"We simply realised that a VM and a HLL are the same thing generally, only a VM has some easily decoded bytecode form."
Or the old (?) vision of an operating system as a language. (AdaOS?) (The Bismuth people also say "We also seriously looked at Ada, but found that the development tools were hard to obtain. This is very unfortuneate as Ada is a wonderful language." Wonderful, yes, but "hard to obtain"?!)
Bismuth is the 'assembler language' of the Unununium "operating engine", which I found on Hangar18 (einstein.ssz.com/hangar18), seemingly a homestead of Plan 9-related resources (plan9.bell-labs.com).
These communities are very interesting. There must be something wrong with me, that I only found them now, even tho I've been looking for OS and PL innovations for a long time.