Scripting Languages For Java
started 6/1/2003; 2:16:42 PM - last post 6/2/2003; 1:56:24 PM
Ehud Lamm - Scripting Languages For Java 
6/1/2003; 2:16:42 PM (reads: 1779, responses: 6)
Scripting Languages For Java |
(via Keith Devens)
Within Java applications, scripting languages are
used for a number of purposes, including:
* Providing a way to
extend applications. * Prototyping, where scripting is used to quickly
create code, and then the code is rewritten in Java when the prototype is
complete. * Quick development, since scripting languages typically
provide a higher-level abstraction than Java. * Allow non-developers to
write code, which is mostly a perceptual issue. * Extend running
enterprise applications with new functionality without any downtime. *
Control J2EE application servers, such as WebSphere.
A nice list of example uses and available scripting languages.
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 6/1/03; 2:19:27 PM

Dan Shappir - Re: Scripting Languages For Java 
6/2/2003; 12:15:01 AM (reads: 751, responses: 1)
Ehud, interestingly item number three recalls something we talked about:
Quick development, since scripting languages typically provide a higher-level abstraction than Java.
As you may recall, I told you that when I saw Java for the first time back in 96 or 97 my first reaction was "is this it?!?". I was astonished that the PL for the Internet and the new millennium was basically C++ with GC and a string type.
So, if scripting languages typically provide a higher-level of abstraction than Java, why not just use scripting languages? Its not as if Java actually provides a benefit like good static typing or anything (ok, maybe now it will).

Dan Shappir - Re: Scripting Languages For Java 
6/2/2003; 12:17:54 AM (reads: 747, responses: 1)
BTW, BeyondJS works with Rhino so you can use it to do a bit of functional programming over the JVM.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Scripting Languages For Java 
6/2/2003; 2:17:19 AM (reads: 767, responses: 0)
Oh, I agree about the abstraction level of Java. I just said that I have a feeling Guy Steele would agree with our assessment...

Ehud Lamm - Re: Scripting Languages For Java 
6/2/2003; 2:19:45 AM (reads: 770, responses: 0)

Patrick Logan - Re: Scripting Languages For Java 
6/2/2003; 9:46:42 AM (reads: 703, responses: 0)
JScheme --- Good integration with Java. Not full Scheme.
Jython --- Better integration with Java, plus compiles to byte code.
And Python seems to be increasing in popularity.
SISC --- Very good implementation of Scheme.
Java integration is kludgy.

Patrick Logan - Re: Scripting Languages For Java 
6/2/2003; 1:56:24 PM (reads: 676, responses: 0)
And here's a recent build of GCJ with SWT for Win32 for building standalone Java executables.
Note that this can also be used for making standalone executables for Jython and Kawa and other languages that compile to JVM byte codes.
So this is like a Python compiler for multiple platforms by way of Java.
