Lambda the Ultimate

inactiveTopic Unification on Stateless Objects
started 6/4/2003; 4:29:41 AM - last post 6/4/2003; 9:26:33 AM
andrew cooke - Unification on Stateless Objects  blueArrow
6/4/2003; 4:29:41 AM (reads: 1314, responses: 1)
Unification on Stateless Objects
I remember seeing a design for a language (never implemented) where constraints would determine the class... In other words, when the constraint store realizes your Rectangle has equal sides, the system makes it an instance of Square.

Interesting idea. Includes a link to Easel (which doesn't implement unification - see main link).

Meanwhile, on another mailing list, Oleg blows everyone away by implementing RefMonads in pure Haskell (nice twist in the next few emails in that thread, too).
Posted to Logic/Declerative by andrew cooke on 6/4/03; 4:30:51 AM

Paul Snively - Re: Unification on Stateless Objects  blueArrow
6/4/2003; 9:26:33 AM (reads: 509, responses: 0)
andrew cooke, quoting a mailing list:
In other words, when the constraint store realizes your Rectangle has equal sides, the system makes it an instance of Square.

andrew: Interesting idea.

Very. In fact, isn't this exactly what Description Logics do?


Some systems that I urge interested parties to play with:


There's a short QuickTime movie regarding LOOM's (but really any Description Logic's) classifier at <>. Well worth watching.