First Course Language List
started 2/9/2001; 12:20:44 AM - last post 2/9/2001; 8:38:29 AM
Ehud Lamm - First Course Language List ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
2/9/2001; 12:20:44 AM (reads: 636, responses: 3)
First Course Language List |
(seen on elj)
This is a list of languages used in the first course for computer science majors. Though not entirely surprising apart from two places that start with ML, the list does give some perspective. For example Ada is used about 5 times more than Java.
I guess there's still hope.
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 2/9/01; 12:22:12 AM
Ehud Lamm - Re: First Course Language List ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
2/9/2001; 12:32:56 AM (reads: 651, responses: 0)
A quick summary (in Alphabetical order):
- Ada - 50 places
- C - 42
- C++ - 89
- Fortran - 6
- Java - 11
- Modula - 13 (?)
- Modula-2 3
- ObjPascal - 2
- Pascal - 97
- Scheme - 30
- Eifell, HyperTalk, ISETL, ML, Modula-3, Visual Basic - 1
Multiple language entries were counted once, according to the first language listed.
andrew cooke - Re: First Course Language List ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
2/9/2001; 6:33:47 AM (reads: 620, responses: 0)
Note that this is only the language in the first course - I suspect many places choose something they hope students are already familiar with. Edinburgh (listed as C), for example, pushes ML pretty heavily in later courses, IIRC.
I'm surprised at Ada's prominence. Maybe this is a US thing? I (in the UK) have never knowingly worked with anyone who knows Ada (and that includes a spell working for a defence contractor!).
Ehud Lamm - Re: First Course Language List ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
2/9/2001; 8:38:29 AM (reads: 598, responses: 0)
I'm surprised at Ada's prominence. Maybe this is a US thing?
I found this surprising too. I am not sure how accurate the data is. It is not a complete list of all schools, and I am not sure if all data is recent.