Happy Birthday LtU
started 7/29/2003; 10:48:22 AM - last post 7/30/2003; 12:27:31 PM
Chris Rathman - Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 10:48:22 AM (reads: 2045, responses: 11)
Happy Birthday LtU |
Thought it worth noting that it's been three years (and one day) since LtU was born. Thanks Ehud for the work you've put into the site. (And they said it wouldn't last). :-)
As an aside, I've been playing with the referral logs on my own website to see how people got there. Just for grins, I ran some of the sed scripts on the LtU referral logs as well to look at what people are googling for - the results for the last 2 days can be found at LtU Search referrals.
Posted to general by Chris Rathman on 7/29/03; 10:53:13 AM

Ehud Lamm - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 11:21:38 AM (reads: 1017, responses: 0)
Wow, how time flies!
A great big Thank You to all the contributing editors who made LtU what it is, and to all the other participants who shunned the added rseponsibility of being editors, but post great comments to the discussion group.
Looking back at these three years, I see a learnt quite a few new things related to programming languages. In many cases the first leads I found where posted here on LtU. I am always happy to hear I am not the only one who had this experience.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 11:26:40 AM (reads: 1024, responses: 0)
look at what people are googling for
I've been thinking about analyzing the logs to see which languages get the most hits on LtU. Can you rig up something like that?

Dan Shappir - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 11:47:31 AM (reads: 1017, responses: 2)
look at what people are googling for
Apparently they find LtU googling for:
- bananas, lenses, barbed wire
- hair shirt
- curse symbols
- love insecure
- and our very own ehud lamm
I think an interesting question is for how many of these queries does LtU provide relevant information?

Ehud Lamm - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 11:56:33 AM (reads: 1048, responses: 1)
bananas, lenses, barbed wire and hair shirt
We all know what the people searching for these were looking for, right?
I am always worried when I see I am being googled, especially if it comes from google.co.il...

Dan Shappir - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 12:05:02 PM (reads: 1078, responses: 0)
We all know what the people searching for these were looking for, right?
I am always worried when I see I am being googled, especially if it comes from google.co.il...
It may be that you are becoming a sex symbol in Israel (great, now LtU would also be located by a search for sex ;-) It would help if you put a picture of yourself online (though I leave it up to you to determine the meaning of help in this context).
Can't you just tell I'm in the middle of writing a boring report right now?

Chris Rathman - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 12:06:36 PM (reads: 995, responses: 1)
I've been thinking about analyzing the logs to see which languages get the most hits on LtU. Can you rig up something like that? Easiest way is just to divide up the search terms into words and do a frequency count on a list of known words associated with the various languages. Right now I'm tossing the duplicates but I'll play around with it some when I get time.

Ehud Lamm - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 1:02:49 PM (reads: 1019, responses: 0)
Easiest way is just to divide up the search terms into words and do a frequency count on a list of known words associated with the various languages.
Yeah, that's what I had in mind.

Chris Rathman - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 2:21:28 PM (reads: 962, responses: 0)
As long as we're discussing LtU, I was wondering when you're going to Cash your chips in? :-)
(Ran across this as I was googling for links to my website. Has the links From and To LtU).

Keith Devens - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/29/2003; 7:37:33 PM (reads: 928, responses: 0)
Hey, so any chance, as a birthday present, you can move to a server that doesn't suck so much?

Chris Rathman - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/30/2003; 11:23:21 AM (reads: 988, responses: 1)
Here's the counts for the last 3 days. Only numbers that surprise me are how low Perl is and how high Python is.
Let's see if I can get this formatted corrected.
Ada | 5 | Awk | 2 | Bash | 2 | BCPL | 1 | C# | 81 | C/C++ | 34 | Cduce | 3 | Claire | 2 | Clean | 2 | Cobol | 2 | D | 1 | Eiffel | 2 | Elephant 2000 | 2 | Erlang | 9 | F# | 2 | Fortran | 3 | Goo | 6 | Haskell | 26 | hla | 1 | Icon | 4 | Io | 1 | Java | 76 | JavaScript/JScript | 11 | Jovial | 2 | K | 1 | Lingo | 3 | Lisp | 21 | Loell | 2 | Mercury | 2 | Miranda | 1 | ML/OCAML | 17 | Mozart-Oz | 1 | Pascal/Delphi | 4 | Perl | 3 | Php | 11 | PostScript | 2 | Prolog | 4 | Python | 70 | Ruby | 9 | Scheme | 15 | Smalltalk/Squeak | 12 | Snobol | 1 | SQL | 8 | Suneido | 2 | Tcl | 3 | VB | 8 | VBScript | 5 | XML | 29 |

Ehud Lamm - Re: Happy Birthday LtU 
7/30/2003; 12:27:31 PM (reads: 1020, responses: 0)
We discuss Python much more frequently than Perl. It shows.
