Bare metal Smalltalk
started 8/31/2003; 9:34:26 AM - last post 2/11/2004; 11:52:54 AM
Isaac Gouy - Bare metal Smalltalk ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
8/31/2003; 9:34:26 AM (reads: 362, responses: 1)
Building Robust Embedded Systems (ppt slides) Lars Bak
Smalltalk designed for speed and compactness: runs in 128kb including the TCP stack.
Language differences
- syntax for full classes
- atomic test and store
- namespaces
- *typed* lifo blocks
- no pool variables
- no class instance variables
- no #perform:
- only the programming environment can create classes
Isaac Gouy - Re: Bare metal Smalltalk ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
2/11/2004; 11:52:54 AM (reads: 278, responses: 0)