Scheme in the Real World: A Case Study
started 9/5/2003; 9:03:29 AM - last post 9/8/2003; 3:58:32 PM
Patrick Logan - Scheme in the Real World: A Case Study ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/5/2003; 9:03:29 AM (reads: 10706, responses: 3)
Scheme in the Real World: A Case Study |
From the abstract...
Scheme is the core technology in the back-end of the NMK web site developed by LShift. This case study examines how we integrated Scheme into a commercial web development environment, and how we used unique features of Scheme to simplify and speed development.
Posted to general by Patrick Logan on 9/5/03; 9:03:56 AM
Dominic Fox - Re: Scheme in the Real World: A Case Study ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/5/2003; 1:05:41 PM (reads: 1176, responses: 0)
See here for prior discussion of some of the technologies used. I was about to comment on how the continuations used to structure control flow in the Scheme layer were being stored in the session object of the J2EE server rather than being marshalled back and forth between the server and the client, and then I had to go looking for the paper where I read about the latter technique, and then I found the LtU link posted above, so I guess I have nothing to add here...
Michael Bridgen - Re: Scheme in the Real World: A Case Study ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/8/2003; 1:56:32 AM (reads: 917, responses: 0)
By the way, we've just posted a newer version of the paper. This one has a few more detail on some of the issues using Scheme with Java and J2EE, which may be of interest. Comments very welcome.
Chris Double - Re: Scheme in the Real World: A Case Study ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/8/2003; 3:58:32 PM (reads: 840, responses: 0)
Great paper. I've been doing some experimenting with Sisc Scheme and continuation based frameworks lately. The following two links from my weblog describe some of what I've been doing and link to items from Avi Bryant (author of Seaside, a Smalltalk continuation based web framework) and others.
Overall I've found Sisc Scheme a great implementation to be doing this sort of thing. Being able to shut down the server, or migrate continuations across machines is quite useful.