Readable Java 1.5
started 9/26/2003; 8:45:55 AM - last post 10/2/2003; 5:29:14 AM
Patrick Logan - Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/26/2003; 8:45:55 AM (reads: 9873, responses: 15)
Readable Java 1.5 |
From Stephen Jungels at
"The Java 1.5 proposal offers programmers a false choice between desirable new features and readability. In fact, all of the proposed new features for 1.5 can be represented by clear, unambiguous, and readable constructs without breaking backwards compatibility. In the rest of this article I will illustrate this point by describing three alternative syntaxes I am proposing."
Posted to OOP by Patrick Logan on 9/26/03; 8:46:29 AM
Looks really weak to me. Let me elaborate.
1. eachof
The author proposes things like
for (Object o = eachof c) ....
while ((Object o = eachof c) != null) ....
Makes you think that "eachof" is an operator of its own, hm?
Ok, now what if I write :
return (eachof c);
Either this is refused (=> not orthogonal) or "eachof c" has
a type like "Iterator<Object>". Now the assignment implied by
the proposed syntax looks broken.
2. Generics
"* It leverages and generalizes existing constructs. The programmer's existing understanding of type casts aids the understanding of this syntax."
"(Number) Collection" should mean to cast Collection into Number then?
Damn! I always tought that "Collection" was more like a function type applied "Number".
"*It is more readable than angle-bracket type parameters. This is a matter of taste, of course, and your taste may differ from mine."
Well, I don't like it. Let's call it even?
"*It doesn't result in type parameters and variable parameters becoming "stacked up.""
Don't they? A polymorphic method declaration (with type parameters to the method) would sure look great.
"*It reflects what actually happens in a generic system based on type erasure, such as Generic Java."
So does the proposed syntax.
"*It starts to unify generic collection syntax with existing array syntax."
Ok. Granted.
"*It maps simply to the standard Generic Java syntax, making it easy to modify existing tools."
So does the proposed syntax. Even more simply! :))
To sum up, not really better.
3. Variance
The syntax "Object..Number" makes you believe that you can
write "A..B" for any classes. Which you can't, even when B inherits A.
(The current system does allow not arbitary bounds)
Furthermore, how to you write invariant types? Maybe "Number..Number"?
Argh! The pain!
What's the point of an alternative that is arguably only slightly
better than the intial proposal?
As a conclusion, let's repepat that syntax is way too much discussed.
(as this post demonstrates :). I'm sorry, I could not resist this.
Patrick Logan - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/26/2003; 11:27:59 AM (reads: 1043, responses: 0)
Ok, now what if I write return (eachof c);
My thoughts exactly.
As a conclusion, let's repepat that syntax is way too much discussed. (as this post demonstrates :)
I agree with your points, especially this ultimate one.
I would also mention that adding complexity to a syntax-constrained notation does not typically result in beauty.
What are some ways to avoid a syntax-constrained notation in the first place? There are sexprs, widely discussed already. There's Haskell's for example ability to define new types by composition (type classes, etc.). Haskell again, as well as several other languages, support defining new infix operators.
Has retrofitting a notation ever resulted in beauty?
Joel Neely - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/27/2003; 5:58:40 AM (reads: 895, responses: 0)
I'd love to read the article, but the server seems to be having
severe "issues". Attempting to fetch either the headline link or
gets a response of
Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Apache/1.3.27 Server at Port 80
Does anyone know an alternate source/cache/mirror?
Isaac Gouy - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/27/2003; 6:57:36 AM (reads: 885, responses: 0)
the server seems to be having severe "issues"
Seems fine now.
1. eachof
Maybe Java could have embraced something straightforward
for (Object o in myCollection)
but that would be too similar to C#?
Patrick Logan - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/27/2003; 1:05:33 PM (reads: 841, responses: 0)
for (Object o in myCollection)
I think they wanted to avoid taking a new alpha keyword, and so they went with the colon.
The "eachof" is the invention of the author of the OnJava article.
Isaac Gouy - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/29/2003; 4:59:43 PM (reads: 630, responses: 0)
Seems like there will be automatic unboxing of primitive types from generic collections, so this will work:
int i = list.get(0);
As long as we give up the pretense that the collection holds ints when it's declared:
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Nice (and someday C#) will at least maintain the illusion:
ArrayList<int> list = new ArrayList();
Patrick Logan - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/29/2003; 7:34:21 PM (reads: 625, responses: 1)
Seems like there will be automatic unboxing of primitive types
Maybe the VMs will eventually encode small integers within a 32-bit pointer so all this (un)boxing becomes more efficient, and dynamic languages run better.
Dan Shappir - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/30/2003; 4:10:07 AM (reads: 604, responses: 0)
I'm creating an extension of BeyondJS for Rhino. Since Rhino is an ECMA compliant implementation, the library ported without a hitch. What I'm doing now is adding some custom functionality that will leverage an extend Rhino's ability for letting JavaScript interact with Java. Some of this is relevant for this discussion, in particular eachOf et al.
I've extended JavaScript Array to implement java.util.Enumeration , java.util.Iterator , java.util.ListIterator , java.util.Collection and java.util.List . Actually this is done via wrapper objects provided by Rhino. For example:
js> a = [1,2,3];
js> java.util.Collections.shuffle(a.list());
js> a
Also, I've provided wrappers that transform Java iterator, lists, etc to BeyondJS lazy lists. This means you can apply list comprehensions to them, e.g.
js> var a = new java.util.ArrayList();
js> a.add(1);
js> a.add(2);
js> a.add(3);
js> Beyond.list(a).foreach(alert);
Combining the two:
js> var a = [1,2,3];
js> var b = new java.util.ArrayList(a.collection());
js> Beyond.list(b).foreach(alert);
foreach on top of JVM 1.4.1 (with a little help ;-)
BTW, most of the work went into making sure that JavaScript values are transformed to the appropriate Java types and vise versa.
Isaac Gouy - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/30/2003; 8:20:32 AM (reads: 593, responses: 0)
Maybe the VMs will eventually encode small integers within a 32-bit pointer so all this (un)boxing becomes more efficient, and dynamic languages run better.
Would that mean - Smalltalk made something mainstream?
I guess not - even though it has been used far more widely than might be supposed - so that honor will go to C# 3 or Java 3 or VB 19.
Patrick Logan - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
9/30/2003; 8:04:58 PM (reads: 546, responses: 1)
Smalltalk made objects, garbage collection, design patterns, CRC cards, extreme programming, SCRUM, (and probably more) mainstream.
Isaac Gouy - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/1/2003; 12:36:02 PM (reads: 520, responses: 0)
My interpretation of Ehud's comment was that Smalltalk never achieved the widespread use or name recognition that would allow it to be termed mainstream. Therefore it could not be said that Smalltalk made anything mainstream - some other language should be given credit for that.
objects => c++
gc => java
patterns => c++
crc => not mainstream
xp => java
scrum => not mainstream
MVC => java (jsp!)
VM - guess not, that would be UCSD Pascal ;-)
Patrick Logan - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/1/2003; 3:03:47 PM (reads: 502, responses: 1)
Other than "objects => C++" in the above list, I think you will find fairly direct influence from Smalltalk people behind each of the others.
OK, the "VM => UCSD Pascal" item too!
Of course this is all arbitrary and inprecise, which leads to heated debate. Such fun.
Isaac Gouy - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/1/2003; 10:58:32 PM (reads: 497, responses: 0)
I'm afraid you haven't addressed the central issue - was Smalltalk ever mainstream? If not Ehud wins ;-)
Former Smalltalkers making their techniques popular through the medium of Java cannot add to the Smalltalk account - they must add to the Java account. We have to take care that the c++ guys don't claim credit for refactoring on account of Bill Opdyke's work ;-)
Ehud Lamm - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/2/2003; 1:09:27 AM (reads: 498, responses: 0)
For the record, I was half kidding when I wrote the "surely you jest" comment...
I think you will find fairly direct influence from Smalltalk people behind each of the others.
Now that's a nice question from an historical pov. Care to be more specific, about some example that may be of interest?
Patrick Logan - Re: Readable Java 1.5 ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
10/2/2003; 5:29:14 AM (reads: 489, responses: 0)
Care to be more specific, about some example that may be of interest?
Extreme Programming - Ward Cunningham and Kent Beck, Smalltalk.
SCRUM - Jeff Sutherland, Smalltalk.
Patterns - Cunningham and Beck, Ralph Johnson, Smalltalk.
Java (and so, GC, etc.) - Sun approached ParcPlace Systems about licensing Smalltalk before designing Oak/Java. No deal, PPS said!
CRC cards - Cunningham and Beck, Smalltalk.