Alan Kay: Software Design, the Future of Programming...
started 2/23/2001; 6:47:44 AM - last post 2/23/2001; 6:47:44 AM
Ehud Lamm - Alan Kay: Software Design, the Future of Programming... ![blueArrow](leftArrow.gif)
2/23/2001; 6:47:44 AM (reads: 887, responses: 0)
Alan Kay: Software Design, the Future of Programming... |
What doesn't exist are really powerful general forms of arguing with computers right now. So we have to have special orders coming in on special cases and then think up ways to do it. Some of these are generalizable and eventually you will get an actual engineering discipline. -- Alan Kay, Educom Review
I like that. Gives a new twist to debugging: it is arguing back!
Posted to general by Ehud Lamm on 2/23/01; 6:48:16 AM