Bruscoli, Paola and Guglielmi, Alessio. A Tutorial on Proof Theoretic Foundations of Logic Programming. Invited tutorial at ICLP '03.
Abstract logic programming is about designing logic programming languages
via the proof theoretic notion of uniform provability. It allows the design of purely
logical, very expressive logic programming languages, endowed with a rich meta theory.
This tutorial intends to expose the main ideas of this discipline in the most direct and
simple way.
It seems there's no escaping Gentzen on LtU these days...
This is a nice (but all too short) tutorial on the connection between logic programming and proof theory. Yes, Horn clauses are mentioned 
I am sure LP fans will not be amused by the fact that unification plays such a small role in this paper, but that's the way it is...
Posted to Logic/Declerative by Ehud Lamm on 10/13/03; 3:54:59 AM