Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality
started 11/3/2003; 3:11:11 AM - last post 12/15/2003; 12:24:53 PM
Ehud Lamm - Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 3:11:11 AM (reads: 8363, responses: 21)
Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality |
Anoter Bill Venners interview over at
Now, Meyer has language design philosophy does he not? Namely, there are three things important for programming language: SW quality, SW quality and SW quality...
I am not sure this interview would be the best way to adovcate this cause, but I agree with the notion that managing complexity is at the root of software engineering. That's why this question from Bill is right on the money:
It sounds to me that you're talking about two things: getting rid of unnecessary complexity and dealing with inherent complexity. I can see that tools, such as object-oriented techniques and languages, can help us deal with inherent complexity. But how can tools help us get rid of self-imposed complexity? What did you mean by "getting at the simplicity behind the complexity?"
Only it sounds to me he got it backwards: Tools can help with unnecessary complexity. Inherent complexity requires insight...
Posted to Software-Eng by Ehud Lamm on 11/3/03; 3:12:24 AM

Luke Gorrie - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 9:13:10 AM (reads: 980, responses: 0)
Certainly not what he meant, but - what a great Perlis quote he gives :-)
Only it sounds to me he got it backwards: Tools can help with unnecessary complexity. Inherent complexity requires insight...
No problem, I hear that Rational Insight (R) for Visual Studio will be released any day now.

logarithm - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 10:39:48 AM (reads: 961, responses: 1)
Meyer has hit upon one of my pet peeves:
For example, in just about every recent object-oriented language, you have the ability, with some restriction, of directly assigning to a field of an object: x.a = 1, where x is an object, a is a field ... direct assignment is a typical kind of little problem that takes up a completely new dimension as you start having tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of lines of code; thousands or tens of thousands of classes; many people working on the project; the project undergoing many changes, many revisions, and ports to different platforms. This kind of thing, direct assignment of object fields, completely messes up the architecture. So it's a small problem that becomes a huge one.
I have no trouble accepting that some people don't like direct assignment. Meyer's rationale of his distaste for it, though, seems rather like fear and loathing. It's wrong because there are millions of lines of code, thousands of classes, many people working at the same time, many revisions, ports to other platforms! If you used direct assignment, you may as well not get out of bed.
The alternate to direct assignment, that being indirect assignment via procedural call, is touted as the better solution because of contracts. This I can accept -- to a point. But I find this sort of hand-wringing boring. Can't we talk about how outside assignment of any kind can be avoided? Wouldn't that be better design, or is that utterly impractical?

Paul Snively - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 10:47:17 AM (reads: 953, responses: 0)
logarithm: The alternate to direct assignment, that being indirect assignment via procedural call, is touted as the better solution because of contracts. This I can accept -- to a point. But I find this sort of hand-wringing boring. Can't we talk about how outside assignment of any kind can be avoided? Wouldn't that be better design, or is that utterly impractical?
It is interesting to me also that Meyer steps right up to the line of saying that functional programming solves an important class of problems that object/imperative programming doesn't, but stops short. I wonder why that is? Certainly in my own experience, programming in Objective Caml is proving to be a huge eye-opener.

andrew cooke - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 11:12:31 AM (reads: 961, responses: 0)
direct assignment is bad because you cannot add indirection. didn't someone say that computer science is simply heaping indirection on indirection?

Isaac Gouy - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 12:48:30 PM (reads: 913, responses: 0)
Only it sounds to me he got it backwards: Tools can help with unnecessary complexity. Inherent complexity requires insight...
Back to Brooks.
"By accidental, I did not mean occurring by chance, nor misfortunate, but more nearly incidental, or appurtenant...
The part of software building I called essence is the mental crafting of the conceptual construct; the part I called accident is its implementation process."
Seem to remember his 2000 Turing Award Lecture covered this topic.

Isaac Gouy - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 12:59:09 PM (reads: 916, responses: 0)
logarithm: Can't we talk about how outside assignment of any kind can be avoided?
What do you mean by "outside assignment"?

Neel Krishnaswami - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 1:50:31 PM (reads: 901, responses: 0)
logarithm: it's not impractical to put ownership restrictions into the type system. My advisor, Jonathan Aldrich, has created an extension to Java called ArchJava that uses types to enforce restrictions on who can hold and mutate object references. This means that you can prove at compile-time that various subsystems aren't using shared state to create "backdoor" coupling between themselves. This is very cool, and I'd actually like something like this even in ML.

logarithm - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 1:50:56 PM (reads: 898, responses: 0)
What do you mean by "outside assignment"?
To use Meyer's notation, x.a = 1 would constitute outside assignment, but so also would x.set_a(1). Why design a class so that you must expose "a" at all?

Dominic Fox - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 2:59:04 PM (reads: 880, responses: 0)
In C#, x.a = 1 might well be routed through a "property set" procedure anyway - the syntax enables that, and "a" needn't correspond directly to any internal field of x.
I'm drawn back to Stroustrup's recent suggestion that one of the points of classes is to maintain invariance - which is very much Meyer's kind of thing, if I'm not mistaken. C# property get and set syntax provides a concise way of making sure that accessors/mutators preserve invariance whilst making it look as if you're simply assigning to a field on a struct. Is this a bad thing?

Isaac Gouy - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/3/2003; 3:00:04 PM (reads: 879, responses: 0)
"outside assignment"
OK, so you're point was that the Java Bean property get/set exposes the bean's internal state just as much as a public member would.
Why design a class so that you must expose "a" at all?
It is a bit puzzling ;-)
Smalltalk instance variables cannot be public, and there isn't a strong convention to publish state accessor methods - rather the contrary.
On-the-other-hand Smalltalk does provide backdoor instVarAt: and instVarAt:Put: methods that directly access the instance variables, for system programming.

Dominic Fox - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/4/2003; 2:35:48 AM (reads: 783, responses: 0)
In Microsoft's component model, especially in the case of ActiveX controls used as GUI elements, a component object will have various "properties" that can be read, written and persisted outside of the object, for instance in a configuration file. A GUI form can be described declaratively by stating which classes of component are to be instantiated within the control container (the form itself) and what values are to be assigned to their properties.
Properties need not correspond directly to internal fields of objects, although sometimes they do. Many of their values may not change during the lifetime of the object; for instance the position, height, width and caption of a "command button". However, when these components are being laid out using the Visual Studio IDE's form designer, it is convenient for the IDE to be able to manipulate the properties of an already instantiated component, for instance when the user decides to resize a GUI element or change its colour.
Java "bean" components work in a similar way, IIRC - the idea is that an IDE can enumerate the properties of a bean using reflection, and expose them to the user for modification using the IDE's design tools. This applies to "enterprise" components in the EJB model as well as GUI elements.
The semantics of components like these are meant to serve the goals of "rapid" (or even "visual") development, but also to fit within a "component architecture" that provides, in theory at least, for encapsulation and re-use of functionality - two features that large-scale systems are alleged to benefit from. Meyer's criticism of methods that provide access to state seems to be that they encourage complex coupling between elements of a system; if so, this would presumably apply to "component architectures" in general. The more components you have, the more pieces of state are exposed and the more opportunities there are for one component's behaviour to be made dependent on another's state.
What this suggests to me is simply that the "component level" should not be the final level of encapsulation in a system: that groups and subgroups of components should themselves be hidden behind appropriate interfaces, and "backdoor" coupling between modules eliminated. Components are not the last word in modularity. But Meyer seems to be saying that they shouldn't be used at all, because of their potential to be used badly.
I don't see why direct assignment, or property-based configuration of components, shouldn't be permitted within the confines of a single module, provided that that module doesn't export its components' accessors for external use. (At a trivial level, this is the way I always used to work with VB6 forms: no code outside of the form module was permitted to access any of the properties of any of the controls in the form directly; rather, the form itself would have public methods to perform the desired functions. This is the difference between saying frmFoo.StartTimer and saying frmFoo.Timer1.Enabled = True, for instance).

Isaac Gouy - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/4/2003; 2:23:56 PM (reads: 662, responses: 4)
Properties need not correspond directly to internal fields of objects, although sometimes they do.
And therein lies the confusion. Here's a snippet from some ibm coding guidelines:
"the explicit definition of a getter and setter with prefix get and set and the name of the property. This makes the encapsulated instance or class variable exposed to the java beans introspection tools or calls."
Are we defining properties or are we exposing state?
Some tools need unfiltered access to state. Yet using that unfiltered access throughout our application creates unwanted dependencies. Seems like we need separate interfaces.
Meyer's criticism of methods that provide access to state
He's saying little more than a component should provide properties that are not dependent on state representation - change the representation, preserve the existing property interface. Something you seem to agree with - you're just drawing the component boundary in a different place.

Jeff Cutsinger - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/4/2003; 5:03:57 PM (reads: 637, responses: 0)
All Meyer is talking about here is Eiffel's ability to have x.a := y call some function instead of being direct assignment. If I'm not mistaken, the idea is that by default, x.a := 1 acts as you might expect, but this behavior can be overridden.
Or am I just stating the obvious?

andrew cooke - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/5/2003; 4:35:08 AM (reads: 591, responses: 3)
Are we defining properties or are we exposing state?
Some tools need unfiltered access to state.
Nothing *needs* unfiltered access to state except the language runtime system. Any component model can work with interfaces rather than directly with state (isn't all state in Smalltalk private?).
Some objects and protocols are so simple that direct access to state is sufficient. The problem is that if this is implemented via direct access then, in some languages, future development is harmed because you cannot intercept that processing if you want to modify behaviour later (afaik, in contrast, Python will let you intercept such actions, so, presumably, would Lisp, since this is a metaobject protocol issue). (Note that modifying behaviour later need not mean introducing a complex mess of extra inter-dependencies, but rather restructruing to give cleaner code - the ability to add indirection is intrinsically neitehr good nor bad).
In other (more C++/Java specific) words, accessing state directly is equivalent to having setter and getter methods that are public and final/non-virtual. No additional indirection is possible - that, and not the state itself, is the crux of the problem.

Matt Hellige - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/5/2003; 7:52:59 AM (reads: 589, responses: 1)
In other (more C++/Java specific) words, accessing state directly is equivalent to having setter and getter methods that are public and final/non-virtual.
It's actually much worse... With "public final" accessors, it's at least still possible to modify the behavior or add inderection at the point where they're originally defined. It's also, of course, quite easy to make them non-final, if that's what's needed.
But with direct access, to modify the behavior in any way or add any kind of indirection one must search and modify an arbitrarily large amount of code.
Consider a simple example: suppose I have a class A with a field x, and I decide I'd really like to see a log message every time x is modified, for any reason. If I have a public final setX(...), this is no problem. But if x itself is public, I'm in big trouble.
For this reason, I strongly support the "all fields must be private" style for Java (haven't done enough C++ programming to know whether it translates). I get a dark feeling anytime I'm reading through code and I see direct access, especially if it's code I'm supposed to work on...

Dominic Fox - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/5/2003; 8:03:49 AM (reads: 553, responses: 1)
Class foo
Public a As Integer
End Class
x = New Foo()
x.a = 1
Later, changing my mind:
Class foo
Protected _a As Integer
Public Property a() As Integer
Return _a
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
_a = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
x = new Foo()
x.a = 1
Doesn't work with inheritance, though - if I inherit from a base Foo with a public member, the subclasses cannot then restrict access to that member.

Isaac Gouy - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/5/2003; 9:25:09 AM (reads: 562, responses: 0)
isn't all state in Smalltalk private?
Sort of ;-)
Firstly, variables are visible to subclasses; secondly, Object defines methods that provide access to any variable (used to copy (clone) objects etc). So a classes methods define the *ordinary* interface, and the Object methods are used for *special* purposes.

Isaac Gouy - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/5/2003; 9:33:50 AM (reads: 557, responses: 0)
Chris Rathman - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/5/2003; 9:38:26 AM (reads: 546, responses: 0)
The goal is to minimize the cohesion between the containing class and the contained class. Although filtering all class state through getter & setter routines may help reduce cohesion, it's not a magical cure. The problem is that getter/setter routines don't eliminate the cohesion, they just allow the implementation details of the property to vary.
Problem is, though, getter & setters still have the effect of externalizing the values used for state. Taking something like:
You've still got an external class that has to understand what the value of 10.0 means to the target class. Are these dollars? radians? etc... You may be able to manipulate within the class that it's not stored as single floating point value, but you've still got code out there that has a dependency on what the value of the state means.

andrew cooke - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
11/5/2003; 11:31:37 AM (reads: 564, responses: 0)
It's actually much worse...
Ah yes, you're right. Also, looks like I should have added Eiffel to the list with Python and Lisp (thanks Isaac).

Ehud Lamm - Re: Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality 
12/15/2003; 12:24:53 PM (reads: 207, responses: 0)
The second part of this interview is available.
In this second installment, Meyer discusses Design by Contract and the limits of formal languages for expressing contracts.
When I first thought about DbC I spent a lot of time trying to find a good formal language for contracts. In the end, I admit, I followed Meyer and simply use the programming language's boolean expressions coupled with the "old" keyword. But I am sure this is not the ultimate solution.
