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Forum topicREQUEST: Java-Genericity Mailing List Archives Z-Bo2010-11-17 18:56
StoryVMKit: a Substrate for Managed Runtime Environments, VEE '10 Z-Bo2010-04-26 17:20
StoryCode Bubbles Z-Bo2010-04-06 17:51
StoryGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked Z-Bo2011-09-27 16:31
StoryBart De Smet on .NET 4's System.Interactive library Z-Bo2010-02-12 19:12
Forum topicOSCON 2010 Emerging Languages Camp Z-Bo2010-09-22 16:24
Forum topicComprehensive overview of security models? Z-Bo2010-11-02 21:07
StoryTensor Considered Harmful Z-Bo2019-11-09 02:27
StoryWhy Normalization Failed to Become the Ultimate Guide for Database Designers? Z-Bo2010-01-20 15:04
StoryJoe Duffy: A (brief) retrospective on transactional memory Z-Bo2010-09-09 12:58