
typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicInteresting new paper from T. Sweeney and others jasonwatkinspdx2018-01-22 05:09
StoryInteractive scientific computing; of pythonic parts and goldilocks languages gasche2014-07-24 16:28
StoryDeca, an LtU-friendly bare metal systems programming language Anton van Straaten2014-04-23 16:10
Forum topicDesigning an alternative to s-expressions for language extensibility Olivier Breuleux2014-04-20 21:03
StoryGilad Is Right Erik Meijer2014-03-23 13:38
Forum topicQuote Safe unquote JVM language? markt2013-07-30 09:43
Forum topicmobile web apps are slow -- and GC is to blame Christian Lindig2013-07-18 22:05
StoryThe Three Laws of Programming Language Design bashyal2013-07-04 14:32
Storythe gnu extension language Manuel J. Simoni2013-06-28 14:23
Forum topicA discussion from the trenches. Eric Biederman2013-06-10 15:08
Forum topicThe Unreasonable Effectiveness of C raould2013-05-08 19:47
Forum topicCrockford: Monads and Gonads raould2013-03-08 12:14
Forum topicFixpoint theory, induction and recursion hbrandl2013-03-08 04:14
Forum topicWhat will programming look like in 2020? Sean McDirmid2013-03-01 03:45
StoryAda 2012 Language Standard Approved by ISO Ehud Lamm2013-01-13 11:54
StoryRob Pike on Go at Google Ehud Lamm2013-01-09 22:52
Forum topicGoogle's Dart announced vieiro2012-12-30 17:29
Forum topicThe Pooh language / Learnable programming in action Michael Moser2012-12-24 15:42
Forum topicSTEPS 2011 Progress Report (personal computing in 20kLOC) Greg Buchholz2012-12-20 20:48
Forum topicLearnable Programming dmbarbour2012-11-29 21:57
Forum topicHow to handle errors Mats2012-11-09 05:58
Forum topicHow much power should programmers have? Ray Dillinger2012-09-19 03:12
Forum topicLess is exponentially more: Rob Pike on Go and Why C++ Programmers Aren't Flocking to it. Matthew Markland2012-09-05 03:19
StoryGarbage Collection Without Paging neelk2012-07-25 00:39
Forum topicWhy languages and not systems? giuseppemag2012-07-13 11:39