Thomas Lord

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicReference request: running out of countably many variable names Neil Toronto2011-03-22 10:17
Forum topicWhat to do about comments? markt2011-03-14 18:54
Forum topicSchemas for JSON? jbclements2011-03-12 12:32
StoryLeveled Garbage Collection naasking2011-03-07 23:59
Forum topicMonads vs. Actors Sean McDirmid2011-03-02 21:15
Forum topicWhat is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model Hewitt2011-02-22 13:52
Forum topicIBM's Watson plays Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings in February Roy Batty2011-02-19 16:25
Forum topicExtending Syntax from Within a Language munificent2011-02-17 01:57
Forum topicGo or Unladen Swallow? Srikumar Subramanian2011-02-07 08:56
Forum topicHow to Program the Many Cores for Inconsistency Robustness Hewitt2011-02-03 14:26
Forum topicguy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming Thomas Lord2011-01-25 05:56
Forum topicFast Compilers Ed Earl Ross2011-01-19 23:50
Forum topicThe Myths of Object-Orientation el-vadimo2010-12-21 17:28
Forum topicyacc death revisited Thomas Lord2010-12-21 06:06
Forum topicOracle, Sun, and Fortress mzraly2010-12-20 01:16
Forum topicLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not) Ed Earl Ross2010-12-13 19:44
Forum topicClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem fogus2010-11-27 07:21
Forum topicFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;) Manuel J. Simoni2010-11-18 13:31
Forum topicDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk el-vadimo2010-11-09 17:15
Forum topicThe barrier to take-up of language innovation ad1mt2010-11-06 03:26
Forum topicConcurrent Composition and Algebras of Events, Actions, and Processes raould2010-10-31 20:45
Forum topicLisps, First-Class Special Forms, Fexprs, The Kernel Programming Language Peter Michaux2010-10-28 11:03
Forum topic"A Theory of Interprocess Communication" -- Leslie Lamport Thomas Lord2010-10-22 13:32
StorySoftware Development with Code Maps Allan McInnes2010-10-01 19:07
Forum topicComputational equivalent of incompleteness theorems? naasking2010-09-21 06:55