Thomas Lord

typetitleauthorlast post sort icon
Forum topicMinimal implementation of state machines giuseppemag2014-02-01 05:12
StoryOral History of Adele Goldberg bashyal2014-01-08 19:33
Forum topic"Fog Cutter" model illustrates Actor Model issues Hewitt2013-12-04 00:15
Forum topicWhy is Static Typing Hard? Jon Purdy2013-11-12 18:56
Forum topicquestions re common lisp readtable hacks Thomas Lord2013-09-12 15:59
StoryMixed-Site Variance bashyal2013-09-09 21:39
Forum topicA Case for Gestures/Visualizations and Against Concrete Syntax Thomas Lord2013-08-25 05:05
Storythe gnu extension language Manuel J. Simoni2013-06-28 14:23
Forum topic"Relational Model Outgrown" CACM May 2013 Hewitt2013-05-10 01:56
Forum topicScheme language conundrum regarding delay and force. Ray Dillinger2013-03-10 11:15
Forum topicLibrary maintenance - key to language success? John Nagle2013-02-07 10:39
Forum topic"Fortress Wrapping Up" Alan Eliasen2012-11-11 23:51
Forum topicThe programming language of crash test dummies. Ray Dillinger2012-10-05 17:18
Forum topicHow much power should programmers have? Ray Dillinger2012-09-19 03:12
StoryOleg: An argument against call/cc bashyal2012-09-13 17:06
Forum topicShould continuation capture always be considered to be stack unwinding? Manuel J. Simoni2012-08-25 13:07
Forum topicBob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education vrijz2012-06-30 00:11
StoryCommon Lisp: The Untold Story Manuel J. Simoni2012-05-20 23:46
Forum topicCareer paths and concerns Jonathan Schuster2012-03-31 18:04
StoryLanguage mystery: identify the source language to a worm based on its object code James Iry2012-03-20 23:15
Forum topicWittgenstein versus Turing on Inconsistency Robustness Hewitt2012-03-05 22:15
Forum topicGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism pgregory2012-01-07 01:57
Forum topicProgrammer Archeologists Sean McDirmid2012-01-06 16:48
StoryCambridge Course on "Usability of Programming Languages" James Iry2012-01-06 03:55
Forum topiciPhone PL lockdown Sean McDirmid2011-12-24 05:49