Marc Hamann

typetitle sort iconauthorlast post
Forum topicClaiming Infinity Julian Rohrhuber2010-02-03 12:53
Forum topicDeclarative reactive tables Sean McDirmid2010-01-31 23:52
Forum topicHistorical or sociological studies of programming language evolution? lmeyerov2010-01-28 22:21
Forum topicThe Next Mainstream Programming Languages Per Vognsen2010-01-24 13:32
StoryWhy Normalization Failed to Become the Ultimate Guide for Database Designers? Z-Bo2010-01-20 15:04
StoryEnumerating the Rationals Ehud Lamm2010-01-19 07:04
StoryWhy API Design Matters Leon P Smith2010-01-16 12:20
Forum topicNaive Question? Definition of "Higher Order" scottmcl2009-12-16 11:56
StoryEleven Theses on Clojure Ehud Lamm2009-12-15 08:25
Forum topicIs Small Still Beautiful? scottmcl2009-12-11 21:05
StoryJohn Hughes on Erlang and Haskell James Iry2009-12-02 10:16
StoryLambda, the Ultimate TA Ehud Lamm2009-11-05 17:26
Forum topicWhat is a Type? andrew johnson2009-10-28 20:53
StoryDesign Patterns 15 Years Later: An Interview with Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, and Ralph Johnson Z-Bo2009-10-26 23:13
StoryPatrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory Ehud Lamm2009-10-26 21:48
StoryA Type-theoretic Foundation for Programming with Higher-order Abstract Syntax and First-class Substitutions cdiggins2009-10-23 11:46
Forum topicWhy Pseudo-Code? Kay Schluehr2009-10-05 18:49
Forum topicDefinition of Functional Programming Language vag2009-08-07 22:39
Forum topicMost powerful terminating semantics? dataangel2009-07-15 16:49
Forum topicTrade-offs with abstraction Charles Stewart2009-07-15 00:32
Forum topicSemantics: Logic vs. PL Ohad Kammar2009-06-27 14:17
Forum topicRight on! Ehud Lamm2009-06-27 03:44
Forum topicStupid Question. Matt Estes2009-06-26 20:47
StoryWhy a diagram is (sometimes) worth ten thousand words Ehud Lamm2009-06-18 20:33
StoryHow Does Our Language Shape The Way We Think? Chris Rathman2009-06-18 18:47