Brian Hurt

type sort icontitleauthorlast post
Forum topicWhat is Intuitive? raould2016-05-12 23:55
Forum topicWhy is Static Typing Hard? Jon Purdy2013-11-12 18:56
Forum topicFive "laws" of programming paradigms Peter Van Roy2013-04-07 20:15
Forum topicNumbers and how to represent them. Ray Dillinger2013-02-03 20:13
Forum topicIn defense of semicolon Sean McDirmid2012-10-08 22:32
StoryTiny Transactions on Computer Science Manuel J. Simoni2012-09-13 23:12
Forum topicWhy languages and not systems? giuseppemag2012-07-13 11:39
Forum topicNull, bottom, etc.? oconnor02012-06-25 23:41
Forum topicwhy first-class functions ad1mt2012-03-02 13:33
StoryCambridge Course on "Usability of Programming Languages" James Iry2012-01-06 03:55
StoryGoogle's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked Z-Bo2011-09-27 16:31
Forum topicThe AST Typing Problem shap2011-01-19 03:15
Forum topicThe perfect advanced programming language for the productive industrial developer Adam C2010-12-12 19:11
StoryDe-Scheming MIT? Kay Schluehr2010-11-16 20:43
StoryIs Transactional Programming Actually Easier? Z-Bo2010-09-10 18:31
Forum topicDefinition of Functional Programming Language vag2009-08-07 22:39
StoryRichard Feynman and the Connection Machine Luke Gorrie2009-06-08 11:11
StoryJoshua Bloch: "Nearly All Binary Searches Broken" Ehud Lamm2009-05-15 15:20
Forum topicUsing coalgebraic structures for traversing ADTs lazily marco2009-03-10 01:49
Forum topicExamples of large-scale functional language projects Luke Flemmer2008-01-06 18:44
StoryJoCaml Andris Birkmanis2007-11-19 15:49
StoryHOPL III: Evolving a language in and for the real world: C++ 1991-2006 Chris Rathman2007-07-04 13:27
StoryLisp is sin Ehud Lamm2007-05-19 19:51
Forum topicOverloading : Why do some languages leave it out? cdiggins2006-08-08 21:28
Forum topicStrongly typed quantities in Java shahbaz2006-03-08 09:41