
LPFML, Xml language for linear programming

Sometimes you just stumble across a project that you had in the back of your mind for a while: an XML standard for representing linear programming problem and solution instances

now I just have to find the time to write a solver.

New Paul Graham thing...

The Python Paradox

I mostly agree with the thrust of this piece, I think, but here's the most interesting bit (to me, at least):

Both languages [Python and perl] are of course moving targets. But they share, along with Ruby (and Icon, and Joy, and J, and Lisp, and Smalltalk) the fact that they're created by, and used by, people who really care about programming. And those tend to be the ones who do it well.
It's interesting that all of those languages are dynamic and thus favored by Paul Graham. Does he really think that, e.g., Haskell and Ocaml are being created by people who don't "really care about programming." Or is this just a cheap shot? Or are those languages really just completely off his radar?

Why compiler optimizations are interesting

    Compiler optimizations are interesting because they automatically improve the efficiency of programs. Hand-optimization by a programmer is a time consuming and notoriously error-prone activity, so it is of the utmost importance for the compiler to make correct optimizations automatically wherever possible. Compiler optimization also serves as an important link between theory and practice: many optimizations are made by proving certain properties of programs -- for instance, that an array index cannot be out of bounds or that a data structure is uniquely referenced -- and the relevant proof techniques are a valuable area of research in themselves.

    Ensuring that whole programs can be effectively optimized does impose certain design constraints on the compiler and on the programming language. The benefits of automatic optimization do, however, far outweigh these relatively minor restrictions.

To me that is a reasonable perspective and I think it's widely held. My own real perspective is quite different, but it's nothing novel and can probably be summarised using catch-phrases:

    Adequate performance really comes from algorithms, data structures, profilers, experience; the compiler itself is the program that most needs to be simple and fast; whole-program analysis is the enemy of interactive programming; the means seem to justify the ends for many optimizations presented at conferences; I must trust my own experience more than microbenchmarks and Socratic discourses on modern computer architecture.
Of course this has absolutely nothing to do with type systems.