
L. Röder's Intentional Programming Presentations

Three PowerPoint* presentations on "interactive source code", i.e. source code beyond ASCII. Röder worked with Charles Simonyi.

* there's a PP viewer for Macs.


From the University of Waterloo Computer Graphics Lab comes Sh:

Writing programs for these GPUs can be a tedious task, as it generally has to be done in assembly. A high-level language allows programming GPUs with familiar constructs and syntax, without worrying about the details of the hardware. A high-level language is also important for portability across different hardware and graphics API platforms. Sh is such a high-level language. It offers the convenient syntax of C++ and takes the burden of register allocation and other low-level issues away from the programmer. This allows GPU programs to be written much quicker and makes porting such programs extremely simple.

See also this recent article on Gamasutra (requires login, free)

Free video lectures presented by Kay, Lampson, Ingalls, ...

Video lectures featuring presentations by Alan Kay, Butler Lampson, Dan Ingalls, and other computer scientists are available at the Internet Archive via this page
The currently available films are all from the late 80's, but may still be interesting to some of the LTU readers. Some highlights:

Alan Kay: Doing with Images Makes Symbols

John Backus: Function Level Programming and the FL Language

Daniel G Bobrow: Common LISP Object Standard

Metaprogramming in Heron

I have posted a document explaining how Heron implements metaprogramming online at Heron is a C++ style imperative language, and the metaprogramming functionality leverages the type system more logically than C++ template metaprogramming does. I would be interested in hearing any comments, suggestions or criticisms of the design decisions. Thank you very much!

persistence (lack of) again

I find that if I don't visit LtU for a few days, it forgets my identity.

This is very strange. The cookie I obtained a few days ago (previous visit) is supposed to be good until mid December, it says.

I use Mozilla 1.4.2 on linux. I have checked that in the settings it does not impose extra restrictions on cookie lifetimes.