
End Users to Shape Effective Software

This might be an interestng project to keep an eye on.

The papers seem to cover a wide range of topics relevant to end user programming in a variety of settings.

eWeek: Programming Legends Debate .Net, J2EE

At a session entitled "The Great J2EE vs. Microsoft .Net Shootout" at the OOPSLA conference here this week, software development superstars debated the relative strengths and weaknesses of Microsoft's .Net and Sun's Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. The panelists included Anders Hejlsberg, Microsoft Corp. distinguished engineer and lead designer for the C# language; John Crupi, chief Java architect for Sun Services at Sun Microsystems Inc.; Don Box, leading Microsoft architect on its Indigo project; Rob High, IBM's chief architect for the WebSphere Application Server Family; and Alan Knight, lead developer for the Web Toolkit at Cincom Systems Inc. and a Smalltalk expert.

From the eWeek coverage it would seem that the panelinsts didn't explore the deep, underlying, issues (but then, for that you read LtU).

Still, some of you might want to check out this article for yourselves.