
Feedback Sought on Software System Design and Implementation Course

I was wondering if I could get some feedback on a course I taught in 2004 on software system design and implementation:

Lecture links can be found in the forum description for each week. Lab and assignment links can be found under "News".

In the last offering, I gave prizes to encourage discussion. In the next offering, I am thinking of giving prizes for the top players of the Speculative Search Game, where the topics must be relevant to the course. (See:

I plan to make the course open again, meaning that anyone can participate in discussions, games, etc.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Poly* type inference tool

Poly* is a novel retargetable meta type system for various process and mobility calculi. Poly* is a direct descendant of PolyA, a type system for Mobile Ambients by Amtoft, Makholm, and Wells. Meta* is a generic process calculus that can be instantiated to specific process calculi like the Pi-calculus and Mobile Ambients by supplying reduction rules.

A web interface is available for experimentation after you can read the technical report and ESOP 2005 paper.

The list of common questions and answers about Poly* may be a good place to start if you are merely curious.