
ACM Queue: How Not to Write FORTRAN in Any Language

This article isn't really about programming languages, but some of the claims made should be scrutinized by PL mavens,

The idea of programming-language determinism has some truth to it, but is overrated. Because we are often tackling the same problems in C, Perl, Scheme, Smalltalk, and so on, we can usually find a way to analyze them and code solutions using common designs. Sometimes the features of a particular language make a particular solution much more elegant and comprehensible, and in that case form influences content. But these languages have enough common ground that they can share many designs. C may have pre-increment and post-increment operators, but you can still add 1 to a variable in any language that supports variables.

I agree with some of the style tips the author gives, but I think understanding the different abstraction facilities different languages offer is even more important for writing readable and maintainable code.

Status of XQuery in the .NET Framework 2.0

The official Microsoft statement,

Microsoft has decided not to ship a client-side XQuery implementation in the final version of .NET 2.0 Framework ("Whidbey")....

However, we will be shipping a subset of XQuery in SQL Server ("Yukon") 2005. The reason for this is the new native XML datatype in SQL Server 2005. Microsoft recommends XQuery as the way to re-shape, query, and modify XML data within SQL Server 2005.

Reminds me of this discussion ;-)

Glossary of abbreviations on LTU

Perhaps this can be made part of a FAQ.

There are many abbreviations used on LTU which are neither obvious, nor part of the computer science lexicon. To aid new readers, I propose a glossary of such.

To start off the list:

CTM: Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming by PVR
PVR: Peter van Roy
LTU: Lambda the Ultimate (in case there was any doubt)
SICP: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson and Sussman

Lots more, I'm sure... please add to the list.