
New RSS Feed(s)

LtU now has a complete set of RSS feeds, covering front page stories, discussion forum topics, and comments:

The first two feeds above include only top-level stories and topics, and the comment feed includes only comments. If you want RSS for all story and forum content posted on the site, including comments, then you need all three feeds.

There are a couple of known limitations of these feeds right now, which should be corrected soon:

  • The comment feed does not specify which story/thread a comment belongs to.
  • The front page and forum feeds do not specify who posted a story or new forum topic.
We haven't yet added any menu links or icons for the new feeds. We're interested in getting some feedback on this three-feed approach: would it be preferable to have two feeds, one for both front page and forum items, without comments, and another which includes all content including comments? The current setup follows the line of least resistance in terms of implementation, but if there are any strong preferences we'll take that into account in the upcoming upgrade of Drupal.

A paper on the Implementation of Lua 5.0

On OSNews, there is a link to a paper describing the implementation of Lua5.0 which among several changes switched from a stack-based VM to a register based and got a significant improvement in performances.

In Memoriam :: Jef Raskin

It is with deep sadness that I have learned of the passing of one of the greatest minds of our age.

On February 26th, 2005 Jef Raskin died leaving behind a loving family and a legacy of creativity that will serve as an endowment from which we shall all continue to benefit in the years ahead.

Jef is perhaps best know as the Father of the Macintosh, although his work has long since moved beyond it with the founding of The Raskin Center for Humane Interfaces which is developing a quite novel alternative to today's desktop systems.

Readers of Lambda the Ultimate will find his observations on "More Humane Programming Language Environments" in his magna opus, The Humane Interface to be of particular interest.

I only knew Jef briefly, having met him at MacWorld Boston last summer. He was truly a visionary and his writing and email correspondence contained many valuable pointers and insights that shall serve as an inspiration in my personal research and in the ongoing work of The Institute for End User Computing, Inc. for years to come.

All of us at The IEUC wish Jef's family comfort in this difficult time and we wish The Raskin Center for Humane Interfaces a glowing future.

Peter J. Wasilko, Esq.
Executive Director & Chief Technology Officer
The Institute for End User Computing, Inc.

These comments are not official IEUC positions unless otherwise noted.