
What happened to Charity?

The latest news on Charity homepage dates to "12 October 2000".

Does it mean the project is dead? If yes - why? Is there any continuation for its ideas? Any clues?

Anyone remember Russell (the language, that is)?

Russell was a functional language developed some 25 years ago to explore the idea of data types as full first-class objects. I'm a total amateur when it comes to programming languages, but I remember thinking at the time that it was pretty cool. A cursory search of Lambda and the web didn't turn up much.

The main reference looks to be:
"Data Types are Values"
TOPLAS, vol. 7, #3 (July 1985)

How much better is the second edition of "Essentials of Programming Languages"?

I have a copy of the first edition of Essentials of Programming Languages that I have not worked though yet. I was thinking of reading it and experimenting with the code presented in it. What are the important differences between the first and second edition? Is it worth paying for the new edition?