
Memory fault and segmentation faults

Hai i have got memory fault error while executing my code and immidietly another statemnet saying coredump. Can anyone tell me what is the meaning of this error and what are the what may be the origin of this.

R6RS Scheme Status Report

The R6RS committee has released a new status report. They've ratified a number of small additions (square brackets, multiline comments) and made progress on several fronts (Unicode support, exception handling). Unsurprisingly, the module system is still the trickiest issue.

(LtU discussion of the previous status report)

AOP blog and aosd discussion

If you haven't seen the AOP blog you might want to check it out.

Via the blog we find the AOSD discssion titled AOP considered harmful which, not surprisingly, is quite heated :-).

It has been awhile since we discussed AOP, but I know many LtU regulars are skeptical about AOP, as am I. It's interesting to look at the discussion from the other sides point of view.