
New C++-like language for Windows

Oko is a development and data-management tool for creating Windows-based applications. It uses an object-oriented language similar to C++. A set of versatile visual-design tools makes it possible to create applications practically without programming. The environment includes data controls, as well as query and report designers... Get more info and download Oko at: We need testers.

Links Demos

Philip Wadler has a pair of Links demos up and running. One is a to-do list (source) that runs on the server but keeps state on the client via continuations; the other is an input validator (source) that is translated into Javascript to run on the client. A sample of the latter:

<input l:name="word1" type="text" value="{word}"/>
{[ if word == "" then <font/>
   else if isdigit(word) then <font color="blue">ok</font>
   else <font color="red">error: {[word]} is not a digit as a word!</font> ]}

(Previous Links discussion on LtU)

Multilinguals learning computer languages faster than monol.

Did anyone find an answer to the question asked in the 2/22/04 discussion, about whether there was any research on whether multilinguals learned programming language faster/more intuitively than monolinguals?


Sudoku is all the rage around here these days. I assumed Sudoku would be a standard example of constraint satisfaction by now, but it seems this isn't the case by the number of hits I get on google. I wonder why.

For your enjoyment: a Sicstus prolog solution, and an ECLiPSe solution.