
"typed" files OR xml OR meta information for delim. files.

I hope this isn't off topic. It seems a very large number of text files are some sort of delimited files (.csv, .tab, etc.). Awk seems to expect these files and cleanly allows dealing with only specific 'fields' in the file. Have there been any attempts to introduce some sort of (easy to use) meta data which describes layout of the file...perhaps more importantly the type of data in it. Excel or specific database files are obviously tied to the application that created them.

XML works well defines data types and some relationship among data points, but is too verbose (a file with 5 columns but thousands of lines would be many times larger if xmlized).

I've come accross some information about type systems which describe memory layout (...which I don't really understand yet)...could something like that also be used to describe disk files?


Either I cannot search, or the term has web-unfriendly name, but it's pretty tough to look for lambda-mu calculus, even in scope of LtU only.

For example, did we discuss this paper or related?

Control Categories and Duality: on the Categorical Semantics of the Lambda-Mu Calculus Just one of the results:

As a corollary, we obtain a syntactic duality result: there exist syntactic translations between call-by-name and call-by-value which are mutually inverse and which preserve the operational semantics.
It is interesting to compare this with Filinski’s work, in which he obtains a duality result by working with a larger and more symmetric syntax, in which the dual of a term is essentially its mirror image.
Also, is Parigot's Lambda-mu-calculus: an algorithmic interpretation of classical natural deduction available online anywhere (except ACM)?

[on edit: aha, found one reference (actually a pair forming one reference): Call-by-Value is Dual to Call-by-Name and Call-by-value is Dual to Call-by-name, Reloaded ("We consider the relation of the dual calculus of Wadler to the lambda-mu-calculus of Parigot")]

Martin Fowler on Language Workbenches and DSLs

I thought this would be interesting, if only because of the author: Martin Fowler, of UML and XP fame, on

Language Workbenches: The Killer-App for Domain Specific Languages?


Generating Code for DSLs

Never really took the guy to be a language guru. His books are Ok though.

[fixed second link]


I guess I am spamming, sorry for that, but this is too funny to be left out

is a programming language designed for orang-utans.

See some other esoteric languages here.