
Malbolge figured out?

Taken out of order:

From Ryan Kusnery's weird languages page:

The day that someone writes, in Malbolge, a program that simply copies its input to it's output, is the day my hair spontaneously turns green. It's the day that elephants are purple and camels fly, and a cow can fit through a needle's eye.


I've succeeded in writing a Malbolge program that copies its input to its output. Since some of it is non-printing, here it is uu-encoded...

In addition the page contains a proof of Turing Completeness (of a slight modification of the language), and suggestions on how it could be made harder.

The design of C++0x

B. Stroustrup. The design of C++0x. C/C++ Users Journal. May 2005.

My basic opinion is that the language wish list is far too long, and that the libraries wish list is far too modest.

Two topics of interest: type safety, and support for concepts in the template model (i.e., the generic programming model).