
The Language Machine - a toolkit for language and grammar

The Language Machine is a free software toolkit for language and grammar: a shared library, main program, and several metalanguage compilers with one frontend. The system is easy to use on its own or as a component. It directly implements unrestricted rule-based grammars with variables, actions and external interfaces. A unique diagram shows rulesets in action. There are several examples, including the website itself.

The Language Machine


SISCweb is a framework to facilitate writing stateful Scheme web applications in a J2EE environment.

SISCweb sports an interactive, REPL-based web application development style...

Through the use of continuations, SISCweb does away with the page-centric execution model typical of web applications. Every time a response is sent to the browser, the program execution flow is suspended, to be then resumed from that exact point when the browser submits a request.

Could it be that SISCweb was never mentioned here before? I found no previous discussions, so if you've got something to say about this project, now is your chance...

MTASC Slides

Hi folks.

Since I guess it might interest some people here, I posted the slides of the presentation I will do at OSCON 2005 on my weblog. The talk is about the MTASC Flash compiler.