
Method inlining as a macro system

Hi folks, you might be interested in the blog entry I just wrote, where I talk about the impact of refactoring IDE's on coding style:

Method inlining as a macro system

What do you think?

Esolang Extravaganza

I was just wondering what some of LTU readers' favorite esolangs to mess around with are... There are so many to choose from and so few that are actually implemented. My personal favorite is Brainfuck, coupled with the Brainfuck.NET compiler; it's a great way to keep oneself occupied.

What is your favorite esolang?

A Plan for Pugs

Anyway. So, I ordered a bunch of books online including TaPL and ATTaPL so I could learn more about mysterious things like Category Theory and Type Inference and Curry-Howard Correspondence.

A rather amusing interview about Pugs, the Perl 6 implementation written in Haskell.

Automatic type inference via partial evaluation

Automatic type inference via partial evaluation. Aaron Tomb, Cormac Flanagan. PPDP’05.

Type checking and type inference are fundamentally similar problems. However, the algorithms for performing the two operations, on the same type system, often differ significantly. The type checker is typically a straightforward encoding of the original type rules. For many systems, type inference is performed using a two-phase, constraint-based algorithm.We present an approach that, given the original type rules written as clauses in a logic programming language, automatically generates an efficient, two-phase, constraint-based type inference algorithm. Our approach works by partially evaluating the type checking rules with respect to the target program to yield a set of constraints suitable for input to an external constraint solver. This approach avoids the need to manually develop and verify a separate type inference algorithm, and is ideal for experimentation with and rapid prototyping of novel type systems.

Also somewhat relevant to the discussions here about type checking as abstract interpretation.

Abstract interpretation for constraint handling rules

Abstract interpretation for constraint handling rules. Tom Schrijvers, Peter J. Stuckey, Gregory J. Duck. PPDP’05

Program analysis is essential for the optimized compilation of Constraint Handling Rules (CHRs) as well as the inference of behavioral properties such as confluence and termination. Up to now all program analyses for CHRs have been developed in an ad hoc fashion.In this work we bring the general program analysis methodology of abstract interpretation to CHRs: we formulate an abstract interpretation framework over the call-based operational semantics of CHRs. The abstract interpretation framework is non-obvious since it needs to handle the highly non-deterministic execution of CHRs. The use of the framework is illustrated with two instantiations: the CHR-specific late storage analysis and the more generally known groundness analysis. In addition, we discuss optimizations based on these analyses and present experimental results.

I haven't read this paper carefully yet, but since the authors claim it is the first published account of abstract interpretation for CHRs, I decided to mention it here anyway.

A Concurrent Lambda Calculus with Futures

A Concurrent Lambda Calculus with Futures

We introduce a new concurrent lambda calculus with futures, lambda(fut), to model the operational semantics of Alice, a concurrent extension of ML. lambda(fut) is a minimalist extension of the call-by-value lambda-calculus that yields the full expressiveness to define, combine, and implement a variety of standard concurrency constructs such as channels, semaphores, and ports. We present a linear type system for lambda(fut) by which the safety of such definitions and their combinations can be proved: Well-typed implementations cannot be corrupted in any well-typed context.

To all the fans of Mozart and especially Stockhausen :-)