
Software Re-engineering Techniques and Reverse Engineering of Object-oriented Code ( Java language)

I am working on this ....

1- Sofwtare Re-engineering Techniques
2- Reverse Engineering of object-oriented Code ( Java )
3- Decompiler Theory
4- History of DEcompiler
5- Decompiliation process
6- Decompiler Applications
7- Java Decompiler ( Programming Phase)


Concurrent Clustered Programming

It's been a while since the last LtU link to Vijay Saraswat papers.

Concurrent Clustered Programming

We present the concurrency and distribution primitives of X10, a modern, statically typed, class-based object-oriented (OO) programming language, designed for high productivity programming of scalable applications on high-end machines. The basic move in the X10 programming model is to reify locality through a notion of place, which hosts multiple data items and activities that operate on them. Aggregate objects (such as arrays) may be distributed across multiple places. Activities may dynamically spawn new activities in mulitple places and sequence them through a finish operation that detects termination of activities. Atomicity is obtained through the use of atomic blocks. Activities may repeatedly detect quiescence of a data-dependent collection of (distributed) activities through a notion of clocks, generalizing barriers. Thus X10 has a handful of orthogonal constructs for space, time, sequencing and atomicity. X10 smoothly combines and generalizes the current dominant paradigms for shared memory computing and message passing. We present a bisimulation-based operational semantics for X10 building on the formal semantics for "Middleweight Java''. We establish the central theorem of X10: programs without conditional atomic blocks do not deadlock.
To appear in the Proceedings of CONCUR, August 2005.
[on edit: added missing link, sorry]

4-color theorem

The only correct, simple and elegant proof of
4-color theorem

The 4-color theorem is a well-known math problem
no readable proof. Spending years I finished a
correct, simple and elegant proof of it. If you read
it you will think it's the only one we can have. I
first sent my paper, not well written, to some
journals. May be 1 year later, the editors said they
did not accept it. Then I revised it and it is
and elegant now, but the editors said "we do not
the refereeing resources to have all such papers
assessed properly." In fact they have already known
the contents of my submission. They are reluctant to
see such proof different from the old arithmetic one
to be published. Please tell me how to do with it.
there anywhere to submit correct proof paper? I will
let the person read it if who promise paying for no
flaw found.

Cui Shitai

Dear Dr. Cui Shitai:
We receive a number of papers every year claiming to
present solutions to famous unsolved problems or to
give simple proofs of well-known theorems. In
particular, we receive a number of submissions on
four-color theorem. Unfortunately, we do not have
refereeing resources to have all such papers
properly. In view of this, we cannot offer you
encouraging words and we are unable to accept your
paper for publication.

Thank you for considering the Journal.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Wormald
Editor in Chief
Canada Research Chair in Combinatorics and
Dept of Combinatorics and Optimization
University of Waterloo
Waterloo ON
Phone: (519) 885-1211
Fax: (519) 725-5441

Dear professor
I have a proof for 4-color theorem 5 pages long. I
cannot to find a journal to consider it.
Can you give me any advice? It has submitted to
of mathematics, not accepted but they
didn't tell the reason.
Thank you very much
Sincerely yours,
Cui Shitai