
ML without GC

I'm in the mood to develop an ML like language for small microcontrollers :-)

I tried to find out which subset of an ML like language do not need a garbage collector (without much success).
Do you have some ideas or some pointers to papers?

Thanks in advance!

CTM tour during the week of Nov. 7

During the week of Nov. 7, I will be touring the US to visit universities and other institutions teaching with my book (CTM) or thinking of teaching with it. For those who have not seen the book, it teaches programming in a way that is both broad and deep. It covers both practice (writing and running programs) and theory (semantics and reasoning about programs), and covers most of the important programming paradigms in a simple and uniform way. It is based on a long-term research collaboration (more than 15 years by now) by many people on understanding programming languages and their underlying concepts.

I will be giving talks and also talking with people. I can answer any questions about the book, its motivation and background, and our teaching experience. I can also offer advice on how to fit the book or its approach in your computer science curriculum.

I am now starting to plan the tour. If you are in the US and you would like me to visit your institution, please send me email (

A Typed Intermediate Language for Compiling Multiple Inheritance

Juan Chen. A Typed Intermediate Language for Compiling Multiple Inheritance.
This paper presents a typed intermediate language EMI that supports multiple and virtual inheritance of classes in C++-like languages. EMI faithfully represents standard implementation strategies of object layout, "this" pointer adjustment, and dynamic dispatch. The type system is sound. Type checking is decidable. The translation from a source language to EMI preserves types. We believe that EMI is the first typed intermediate language that is expressive enough for describing implementation details of multiple and virtual inheritance of classes.

If you really must have mutiple inheritance...