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archivesLanguage support for generating functions?We've got languages with support for iterators and lazy lists and other sequence oriented structures. Is there any language with built in support for generating functions? I don't have any immediate application in mind, I'm just curious as to what could be possible. CTM Author American University TourEdit: Woops, didn't realize that this news had already been posted! Guess I should read the front page once in a while...
By rhat at 2005-07-29 12:35 | LtU Forum | login or register to post comments | other blogs | 5882 reads
Slides for ' Programming in Haskell'The website of Hutton's introductory Programming in Haskell book, now includes eleven powerpoint presentations covering most of the chapters in the book. Each set of slides is intended to be used for a one hour lecture. A question about subtypes inferenceHi I am looking for information on subtype inference. Consider a type system with a sub rule: E,C|- e:sigma C|-sigma :sigma' Here E is the type environment and C is the (initially empty) subtype constraint set. And a set of rules for infering constrainst from sigma:sigma' depending on the underlying type of sigma. (it is a structural type system). My question is, after my type inference assigns type sigma’ to e, how do I choose sigma’, as to find the correct underlying constraints. I looked and asked around. Some suggested using a copy of sigma, I find this odd because I don’t see why, and how this would produce the needed type constraints. I would be grateful for either a article explaining this matter or pointers to the underlying idea. R.K. BTW this is the article I’m working on Deleting my PostCan I delete a post I made on the other forum? I want to do this because I can't format it right. R.K. More on the "generics are evil" memeBruce Eckel, famous author of programming books Thinking in Java and Thinking in C++, writes some commentary about Arnold's article on generics (discussed here on LtU):
Here Eckel seems to agree with many opinions expressed in the previous discussion: that's not a problem with generics in general, but with the Java implementation. And he argues that it would be better if the language was designed with generics in mind in the first place, which I don't think anyone would disagree with. But the question is, how can we change the course of a moving train? It seems to be never easy. Can PL theory help the evolution of programming systems and not only their design? |
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