
Squeak tutorial

A nice Squeak tutorial.

it has been awhile since we mentioned Squeak, but there were days when it was mentioned quite regularly...

A Theory of Distributed Objects

A Theory of Distributed Objects - Asynchrony - Mobility - Groups -Components. Denis Caromel and Ludovic Henrio.

Distributed and communicating objects are becoming ubiquitous. In Grid and Peer-to-Peer environments, extensive use is made of objects. This book provides a general theory for distributed objects interacting asynchronously, for the sake of efficiency and scalability. Further, it copes with advanced issues such as mobility, groups, and components.

Pi-Calculus, Join-Calculus and more...

Check out the sample chapter to get a feeling of the writing style.

Design Concepts in Programming Languages

Design Concepts in Programming Languages

Below are all current draft chapters of Franklyn Turbak and David Gifford's Design Concepts in Programming Languages. This is a book based on MIT's graduate programming languages course (6.821). Many people helped in developing parts of the book, especially Mark Sheldon, Trevor Jim, Brian Reistad, and Jonathan Rees.


As some of you already saw, people are trying to spam the LtU forum.

I deleted the spam message that appeared earlier today, and blocked the user that posted it.

Beacuse the popularity of LtU has increased, spammers are likley to be more interested in us than in the past. In order to kill this in the bud, I am going to be more aggressive in the treatment of spam, and supposedly spam, messages than in the past.

If you have any doubts about the appropriateness a message you want to publish, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.