
Parrot 0.2.2 Released

Parrot 0.2.2 has been released! Parrot is a versatile virtual machine for dynamic languages. Though originally designed for Perl 6, it's power and flexibility has generated a lot of interest in the language development community. Parrot is distributed with a number of sample compiler implementations at varying stages of completion, including partial compilers for common languages like lisp, scheme, tcl and python.

The latest release features grammar and rule support in PGE, the Parrot Grammar Engine. Parrot also comes with utilties that convert PIR (Parrot Intermediate Representation) and PASM (Parrot Assembly) into PBC (Parrot bytecode).

Those who are interested in learning how to implement languages for Parrot should start with the documentation. You may also be interested in my own (extremely feeble) attempt at implementing PIR generators in Haskell and Ocaml.