
RPC Under Fire

Steve Vinoski, RPC Under Fire, Internet Computing.

Nice discussion of the problems associated with the RPC model, which abstracts the network making remote calls look like local calls, even though they exhibit different types of failure.

Web services, JAX, and Cw are also mentioned.

Related links: here.

Dynamic typing in OCaml

On many occasions on this site we've discussed embedding a dynamic type checking scheme in a statically typed language using a Univ type. On many of these occasions, it's been suggested that this is an in-principle solution that would never be usable in practice, Turing tar-pit, etc., etc. Well, someone decided to put their money where our mouths are, and now we have Dynaml.

I've only briefly looked at the tutorial, but this definitely goes a long way toward demonstrating a plausible Univ embedding of a dynamic type system. Of course, I'd be curious to hear what everyone else thinks...

(from the caml weekly news...)