
Chapel: "Solving the parallel programming problem"

Chapel, the Cascade High-Productivity Language:

Chapel strives to improve the programmability of parallel computers in general and the Cascade system in particular, by providing a higher level of expression than current parallel languages do and by improving the separation between algorithmic expression and data structure implementation details.

The design of Chapel is guided by four key areas of language technology [HIPS 2004]:

  1. Multithreaded parallel programming in the style of Multilisp, Split-C, or Cilk.
  2. Locality-aware programming in the style of HPF and ZPL.
  3. Object-oriented programming helps in managing complexity.
  4. Generic programming and type-inference simplify the type systems presented to users.

I only saw this mentioned once here, so I thought it was worth posting. Will it solve all the problems?

MIT CADR Source Snapshot Released

Via Lemonodor. More details can be found at Bill Clementson's Blog.

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