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archivesOCaml 3.0.9The most recent version of Objective Caml is 3.09.0. It was released on 2005-10-27. Some of the highlights in release 3.09 are:
For more information, please consult the comprehensive list of changes. By Mark Evans at 2005-11-10 03:34 | General | Object-Functional | Spotlight | 13 comments | other blogs | 13144 reads
CaSe SenSitIviTy! What is its purpose in programming language syntax?I grew up with Pascal. It's been my language of choice for doing mostly everything. Everytime I try and switch to other (case sensitive) languages, specifically C++/C#, I am incredibly put off by the case sensitivity of the syntax. What especially gets me, especially from a readability point of view, are things like variable declarations in the following fashion:
That's the most braindead thing I've ever seen, naming a variable after the type, except it's unique because the character case is different.... Not only does this kill readability, but the very nature of the case sensitive syntax means that you're constantly having to think about variable names, instead of just using the bloody things in that activity otherwise known as programming. And don't get me started on the debugging headaches it causes simply because you typed "S" instead of "s", somewhere. To me, it makes the coding process needlessly complicated. The ordinal value of a character shouldn't change its meaning except if it specifically occurs as data. Of course, the source code of a program IS data, but only for use by the compiler. Why should we as programmers have to suffer just to keep the compiler happy? Somebody, please give me some good solid reasons why case-sensitivity is useful. M$ had a golden opportunity with C#, yet they kept it case-sensitive. WHY? Surely it wasn't to support existing code bases, was it? Putting Curry-Howard to Work
via LtU forums:
The Curry-Howard isomorphism states that types are propositions and that programs are proofs. This allows programmers to state and enforce invariants of programs by using types. Unfortunately, the type systems of today's functional languages cannot directly express interesting properties of programs. To alleviate this problem, we propose the addition of three new features to functional programming languages such as Haskell: Generalized Algebraic Datatypes, Extensible Kind Systems, and the generation, propagation, and discharging of Static Propositions. These three new features are backward compatible with existing features, and combine to enable a new programming paradigm for functional programmers. This paradigm makes it possible to state and enforce interesting properties of programs using the type system, and it does this in manner that leaves intact the functional programming style, known and loved by functional programmers everywhere.The paper is short and reasonably easy to read, also the examples are very realistic - check section 13 as a starter. Getting half through the paper made we willing to play with implementation, getting to the last page made my hands itching to implement my own PL with a similar type system. You are warned :) Neko 1.1 ReleasedNeko 1.1 have just been released at Neko is an intermediate programming language. It has been designed to provide a common runtime for several different languages. In this new version, the compiler is now completely bootstrapped, using the high level NekoML language which itself use Neko for its runtime. A toplevel console is also available and the VM has new features such as callstack and exception stack traces. I'm looking for people interesting in targeting Neko or doing some study of the principles behind it. Please feel free to send me an email or join the Neko Mailing List if interested. As always, comments and critics are welcome. Nicolas |
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