
Ragel State Machine Compiler

What kind of task is Ragel good for?

  • Lexing programming languages.
  • Parsing file formats.
  • Creating robust custom protocols.
  • Checking your "Theory of Computation" homework.


  • Describe arbitrary state machines using regular language operators and/or state tables.
  • NFA to DFA conversion.
  • Hopcroft's state minimization.
  • Embed any number of actions into machines at arbitrary places.
  • Control non-determinism using priorities on transitions.
  • Visualize output with Graphviz.
  • Use byte, double byte or word sized alphabets.
  • Generate C/C++/Objective-C code with no dependencies.
  • Choose from table or control flow driven output.

Feedback on post?

Been reading LtU for a while and some of the topics discussed have encouraged me to try using some of the more advanced functions supported by JavaScript. I'm pretty sure I'm using closures, but had a few questions-

js closures? my questions are:

If the form is:

someId = window.setInterval( ... ); there a way to pass someId back into the function that was created? In OO terms, something like the following:

closure = new SomeThingy();
someId = window.setInterval( closure, 1000 );
closure.setSomeExtraValue( someId );

...and is the explanation in the blog post fairly accurate?

