
Using continuations in Web applications is patented

I just read this post from Paul Graham's new blog. It turns out he has a patent for using continuations to make page transitions look like function calls. The patent number is 6,205,469. Makes me a little sad.

Problem with forum listings


I was looking through the forum of active topics. And there's a problem with the buttons such as "Created". Once you click on it, it adds ?sort=asc&order=Created to the end of the url. You would think that clicking on this again would turn the sort=asc to sort=desc. (Manually typing this in in the addressbar has the expected result). I would also think that a priori people want to see the most recent post first (which is what I was trying to achieve), and therefore start with sort=desc instead of sort=asc. However the main bug is the fact that clicking on the "Created button" again lenghtens the url so that it now becomes: ?sort=asc&order=Created&order=Created

Gosling vs. Dynamic Languages

I really don't want to start a LtU thread consisting of rants (or raves) about dynamic languages. This subject was discussed here more than a few times, and I am not aware of any new arguments that weren't discussed here before. Still, I think the recent brouhaha over statements from Gosling shoud be part of the historical record that is the LtU archive. And there's even a small chance some LtU readers haven't heard of this incident yet.