
Strongly typed quantities in Java

An interesting project at

From their description:

 Let's take the following example:

        class Person {
            void setWeight(double weight);

Should the weight be in pound, kilogram ??
With quantities there is no room for error:

        class Person {
            void setWeight(Quantity<Mass> weight);

Not only the interface is cleaner (the weight has to be of mass type); 
but also there is no confusion on the measurement unit:

        double weightInKg = weight.doubleValue(SI.KILOGRAM);
        double weightInLb = weight.doubleValue(NonSI.POUND);

Quantities work hand-in-hand with units (also parameterized). 
For example, the following would result in compile-time error:

        double weightInGal = weight.doubleValue(NonSI.GALLON); // Compile error, Unit<Mass> required.

Edit: fixed lt, gt signs

New Fortress Release

Fortress Language spec 0.866 [sin pi/3] is out!