
foldl and foldr and are two fun websites that may just help you wrap your head around left and right folds. They are the product of Oliver Steele, designer of (Open)Laszlo.

Native delimited continuations in (byte-code) OCaml

All you guys waiting to implement zippers etc. in Ocaml can go right ahead: There's now a library implementation of delimited continuations.

In fact, there are two implementations. A native implementation in C that copies the relevant part of the interpreter's stack, and a pure Ocaml version that requires monadic style of writing code.

Purity in PLT

I've been thinking about languages that choose purity:

Language Paradigm
Haskell: everything is referentially transparent
Lisp: everything is an S-expression
Smalltalk: everything is an object

My working theory is that choosing purity wins a language a lot of zealots as its fans. What other languages chose purity? What other concepts could be unifying paradigms for programming languages?