
How do Java generics correspond to System F-(omega)?

In his recent guest lecture in my undergrad PL course, Markus Mottl mentioned that ML-style module systems help his company develop and maintain software in the large. This guest lecture made me wonder how an ML-style module system could be expressed using Java generics. Because I've already translated an ML-style module system into System F-omega, could someone please point me at a comparison or translation between Java (generics) and System F(-omega)?

Chuck - Concurrent audio programming language

Not sure if this is relavent to LtU but it is a programming language so...

ChucK is a new audio programming language for real-time synthesis, composition, and performance - fully supported on MacOS X, Windows, and Linux. ChucK presents a new time-based concurrent programming model, which supports a more precise and fundamental level of expressiveness, as well as multiple, simultaneous, dynamic control rates, a precise and straightforward concurrency, and the ability to add, remove, and modify code, on-the-fly, while the program is running, without stopping or restarting.