

Here's a very simple implementation of Kanren that gives the barest minimum to get the taste of logic programming in very simple Scheme.

I am told that the code was written in about three hours at the meeting of a Functional Programming Group (Toukyou/Shibuya, Apr 29, 2006), as a quick illustration of logic programming.

The code is very easy to read, and the comments are instructive and helpful.


Code Generation Network

It's been quite a while since I visited, and it seems like the site grew considerably, so you might want to check it out again too.

Code generation is an important programming technique (not to be confused with the code generation phase of compilers), which I am sure everyone here is familiar with. It seems to me that the percentage of programmers who know about code generation is relatively small. Am I right in this assumption? I am not asking about people actually using the technique, mind you, just about knowing that it exists and what it means, and don't think the basic idea is "strange" or involves dark magic.

I wonder where, if anywhere, should programmers (and CS students) learn about it. And no, the answer well, on LtU of course isn't a good option!

EasyExtend - Python MetaProgramming

Just saw this announcement on Google groups / comp.lang.python.

EasyExtend is a constructive approach to extend the Python language using pure Python. EasyExtend is developed as a Python framework depending only on tools provided by the CPython interpreter suite ( compiler ) and standard library as well as some pieces of code borrowed from the PyPy project. Opposite to toolkits for writing extension modules in C ( or RPython in future ) the EasyExtend framework is dedicated to extend the language itself by adding new grammar rules and transformation of parse trees. Acting directly on the nodes of syntax trees makes EasyExtend safe and extensible. Moreover the parser and the transformations are considerably fast. While EasyExtend can obviously be used to define "little languages" embedded in Python it can also be used to create Python oriented tools like a code coverage tool based on code generation. For both use-cases examples will be provided.

You'll want to probably want to check out the examples.